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A government for the people is perishing

I am probably an idealist. I believe governing is partly about fulfilling the will of the people, and partly about our political leaders inspiring us to achieve more as a community coming together as we will working only for ourself.

Watching the government chosen by the large minority of the United States I am disheartened. Watching from afar, it looks to me as the people of the United States are mostly moderate republicans or moderate democrats. But the politics are polarising the entire nation. From a European perspective, it is all just sad and scary.

President Lincoln said in the Gettysburg address that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

I have no faith in the current leadership of the United States to bring the nation together. I can only hope that we do not have to wait until the midterms to see action for removing Mr. Trump from a position he continues to prove himself unequipped for.

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