An elephant in the room!
The man unable to smile continues his haphazard handling of government. The link between Trump and Russia remains undisclosed and questionable. His national security advisor takes after his boss and lies to the press and the vice-president. In other words, the chaos prevails and there is no reason to stop the resistance.
The huge elephant in the room, which is going bewilderingly unnoticed by Republican politicians, is the ununderstood link between Trump and the Russian leader. However, the Republican party seems reluctant to question anything that can tarnish the Emperor.
And the Emperor sees no reason not to mix business and government, so he lashes out against Nordstrom for discontinuing his daughter's fashion line. Not at all an uncommon practice in obscure dictatorships around the world, and totally in character for Trump. But it does not build trust in America for a Norwegian bystander.
Donald Trump continues to run his country as he ran his businesses. By bullying, defrauding, exaggerating what little there is to boast about, and hide away everything that could be harmful - Like his tax returns.