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The Norse Gods come to life
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My Story

Years ago a good friend of mine and I were discussing the film adoption of our fictional books. Neither of us had written anything at the time of course. Never the less we started to debate whether Sandra Bullock should play the main character (of our unwritten stories). A third friend of ours intervened and thought we should perhaps consider somebody else. We immediately cut her off as we said simultaneously: "Go and write your own book!"

Writing has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. I love thinking up stories, but rarely have the time to write anything material down.

Then a few years back I suddenly had that extra time, and I sat down to write a crime novel with the working title "The man from Poland". As I sat down, however, the story that came to life was the story about Erik Storm, not what I had in mind indeed, but such a thrill to write. I loved giving life and character to the gods. I read up on my long forgotten Norse mythology and tried to get into the mind of a twelve-year-old.

Now the first story about Erik and his friends is out there. More stories about Erik, and the original crime novel is in the pipe-line, and I hope to find time this winter to pursue them both.

Boring facts about me:

I was born in Trondheim back in 1967. I had a short career in the Air Force as a Logistics Officer, before I started a career in business and logistics. "Nothing happens until something move". Logistics is the fun part of business, that is where the action takes place.

All my life I have been an avid reader. I read Tolkien decades before the movies, and he remains one of my favourite authors. To name all the writers that I cherish will be a long list, but I would like to give special credit to Neil Gaiman, one of my favourites. In Ragnarok I draw on some specific inspiration from his Sandman-series, and I've borrowed an idea from American Gods (which will come out as a TV-series soon, looking forward to that). All stories I have read has inspired my imagination and has thus contributed to the creation of Eriks Storm's universe.

I'm married to Pia, and together we have two children. We live near Oslo in Norway

My Books



Erik Storm #2

My Books

When Ragnarök was published in English it was quickly a success and made a "hot new release"

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